Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Investors Clinic signs Yuvraj Singh as Brand Ambassador

 Investors Clinic, the pioneer amongst professional real estate consultancies in India has announced that it has signed Yuvraj Singh, one of India’s most prolific cricketers from amongst the current national team, as its brand ambassador. Though it is common for real estate developers to sign Indian Cricketers as their brand ambassadors, this is for the first time ever in the Indian real estate industry that a real estate consultancy has taken this marketing initiative. Under the contract, Yuvraj Singh will endorse Investors Clinic as a brand and also promote all the real estate projects being marketed by Investors Clinic by being a part of its advertising campaigns. The sources revealed that Investors Clinic will be paying around Rs. 4 crores to Yuvraj Singh under this contract

According to Mr. Honey Katiyal, CEO, Investors Clinic, “We’re extremely excited to have Yuvraj on board as the brand ambassador for Investors Clinic. He has a keen fighting spirit, which gels well with our efforts to strengthen our brand while we relentlessly work towards maintaining our competitive edge. We are keen on ramping up our marketing activities to further strengthen our foothold in the real estate industry in North India and having Yuvraj on board will allow us to capture the attention of our target audience more emphatically.”

“We have a strong reputation in the market which is quite evident in the fact that even during the phase when there was a slowdown in the economy, the sales at Investors Clinic were holding up. We wish to reach out to newer geographical areas and capture more market share and would like to see Investors Clinic emerge as the country’s largest Real Estate Marketing Services Company. We aim to create a clear differentiation in our services and hiring Yuvraj as a brand ambassador is just one of the key initiatives aimed at enhancing our brand equity that we plan to take over the period of next few months,” added Mr. Katiyal.  

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